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Things I’ve learned in 2020

2020 taught us a great lesson that "Life is uncertain" by the Coronavirus pandemic outbreak. It changed the global economy and our small career path. But it is also our opportunity to live more slowly and to contemplate many life lessons.

Challenges of Being A Freelancer

Being a freelancer, you are free to decide where you live. You are free to choose the projects and clients to work with. But "There is no road of flowers leading to glory". To achieve a great freelance life, you have to face a lot of challenges.

What is a Bucket list?

What is a bucket list? It is a list of all the goals you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfill, and life experiences you wish to experience before you die. A bucket list helps you maximize the incredible experiences in your life.

Romantic and Inspiring Travel Couples

"Travelling is not about where you go, but who you are with." Dare to leave everything to fulfill the dream of traveling the world, becoming a travel influencer has been difficult. Finding a soul mate on that journey was even more difficult.